Swim Safe Now Instructor Training Program

We are very excited that you are interested in joining our awesome team of dedicated Swim Safe Now® Instructors!

Our talented Instructors come from a wide variety of professional backgrounds and life experiences. A background in "swimming" is not necessarily required, but a love for children, a background in (or interest in learning) behavioral science, a desire to help your community and a passion for drowning prevention are all essential.

Through our rigorous Instructor Training Program, Student Instructors spend a minimum of 8 weeks of in-water training working hands-on with children as well as academic study in the fields of child phycology, behavioral science, anatomy and physiology, health and safety, as well as our proven survival swimming techniques.

Our training program includes 100+ hours of initial training as well as ongoing Instructor Development and mentoring. Our Leadership team is here to help you start up and grow your business, grow and develop as an Instructor and guide you every step of the way. Enhanced marketing opportunities and website membership is also included.

Additional certification and annual re-certification requirements include proof of: CPR/1st Aid Certification, professional and liability insurance and a background check/clearance.

If you would like to receive further information and set up an interview, please complete the form below. We look forward to meeting with you soon!

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